Reclaiming The Agrarian Reform Discourse: Some Notes and Statements on the Commemoration of Peasants’ Day 2022

On 19 September 2022, KBPRA held discussion entitled: Reclaiming the Agrarian Reform Discourse. The discussion resulted in a four-point statement criticizing the current ‘Agrarian Reform’.

Komite Bersama Perjuangan Reforma Agraria (KBPRA) is an alliance consisting of Agrarian Resource Center (ARC), Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA), Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP), Aksi Kamisan Bandung, Front Mahasiswa Nasional (FMN) Bandung, (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum) LBH Bandung, Pembebasan Bandung, Persatuan Perjuangan Buruh (PPB) KASBI, Unit Kegiatan Studi Kemasyarakatan (UKSK) UPI Bandung, and Women Studies Center (WSC).

Read full notes and statements here.