Human Industry and Development

Development of human industrial chain impacted by coconut industry in Minaha Utara district is a focus of this paper. It is also triggered by man power structure in this district that exist in opposite conditions, due to an adequate and quite large of a huge of natural resources and less, even small, number of people who are statistically working in agriculture sector. This condition has been supported by mode of production and culture applied in coconut plantation within Minahasa people, which also have been crossing with industry stream, particularly in two cities that located at next to this district.
A scheme of complexity of production chain in coconut industry, which is started from producing raw material to consumption production, uses to analyze bulk of primary data of this research. Hence, it will be further seeing how people in Minahasa might survive in between industrial sector that very strong growing in Bitung and Manado, and, the most important is, how are they can defend their coconut plantation. At the end, both of them will be a capital that could be fulfilled a need of human worker in industry area, especially in Manado and Bitung.
Full article can be downloaded at Industri Manusia dan Pembangunan